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Nexoptic Technology Corp V.NXO

Alternate Symbol(s):  NXOPF

NexOptic Technology Corp. is a Canada-based technology company. The Company is engaged in developing artificial intelligence (AI) and imaging products, which enhance how images are either captured, processed, experienced, transferred and/or stored. It is developing technologies relating to imagery and light concentration for lens and image capture systems. The Company's primary focus is its patented and patent pending AI for imaging called All Light Intelligent Imaging Solutions (Aliis). Aliis can reduce storage and streaming requirements needed for videos and images while also improving image quality in all types of environmental conditions. Aliis delivers by learning a camera profile and optimally enhancing, pixel by pixel, its quality and its resolution in a fraction of a second, using edge processing. Its NexCompress, a video compression enhancement solution, offers bandwidth and storage savings for video storage and streaming applications.

TSXV:NXO - Post by User

Comment by BarstoolSageon Sep 20, 2021 1:01pm
Post# 33886961

RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Further to 'Change...not fluff'

RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Further to 'Change...not fluff'AyouBeeTree has a cohesive story I think we talked about and believed possible when it was first announced...that ALiiS could be the video Dolby ....

So the journey takes time...I get it...but I echo Darndude in revenues please. 

My goal is different now with NXO. I just want to get all the money back I lost before. Just took 4600 of it back selling 10k at 80 cents...but another 23k to go. I still have 27k at .34 cents to make that back so about $1.20 would be fine

When I first came in I gave the company 5 years to at least double my of my investment parameters for smallcaps...and that was just over 4 years ago.

So revenues please. Everything before this is simply potential and run rates

And it has awesome potential. But revenues please

Potential in several verticals even. But revenues please

Yes patience is a virtue. But revenues please

Damn1212 wrote: Boralis 

Im sure you agree with me we need results .... Contracts , revenue... Something

Anything, doesnt have to be 100 million $ contract with a big Tech Giant.  Although that would be awesome. 

just my opinion , im in the Green now so waiting a biit longer doesnt irritate me as much as before ...but still.... REVENUE PLEASE ! 

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