"I wouldn't be too worried about it. It's just a knee-jerk reaction to the impending collapse of EverGrande. The Chinese "government" will contain it. The market will discount it in the first hour of trading."
Ferret wrote:
"My god the utter arrogance of TT last comment is breathtaking ('will be discounted in an hour's)."
the Dow opened down 600 and it closed down 600.
What a peculiar and inappropriate use of the word "Arrogance".
We can't do anything about this.
We're "plumbing the lows".
It's quite amazing that this stock hit $11.55 in January and everyone ( including TD ) thought it's potential was limitless.
Now they think it's bottomless.
Human emotions.
Fear and Greed.
Welcome to the new market.
This stock will be double-didgits again within 2 years.