Good for a laugh...Snipp has a market cap of USD 23 million dollars as of right now. This is a profitable company with growing revenues and the best, most varied clients on the planet in the CPG's and others. It's almost impossible to find a more laughable situation than what we have right here. You could name a half dozen small companies in this industry which have market caps that are 3-6 times higher and are not even profitable and may never be. WE ARE PROFITABLE AND GROWING REVENUES. Hopefully Snipp will just keep on adding sales people and not worry about useless IR. They are clearly on the radar of the bigger companies for any number of bullish reasons which keep growing by the day. I picked up more in the last week including today. Congrats to Atul and the Snipp team for performing in a customer service way after the sale and continuing to grow the customer base here and abroad!