LOL!! I have the required intelligence NOT to play your stupid games, imperfection. Nice try though. 

AhSocks77 wrote:  ...  required intelligence to discuss  PAT's financials  ....   irem by item ....   ir is he only capable of acting like a child as seen in his posts below .

  I have no problem at all discussing PAT's financials with the kid ...   it is just a matter of if he has the kahunas and intelligence to step up to the plate and disc uss them with me  ....   LOL  !!!     Let me know eh kiddo .    Looking forward to it !!!

  Talk about a couple of brilliant posts ....  oh yeah ...  the kids a real wiener alright as seen in his foul mouth below  !!!!!!

  And I am sure that he has the required intelligence to discuss PAT's financials with me ...  LMAO  !!!