my take away from this news is this are moving forward and initial is still in the works. While I am speculating as to what is going on behind the scenes in this case, welcome to take the pish out of me Ed for that, is covid may actually be the problem still. Japan has been in dire straights since Olympics. The major retail chains that comprise these many 1000s of locations are probably just struggling to adapt to the present conditions, restrictions and lockdowns they assumed they gor passed pre Olympics. Adapt to conditions before you spend time and money on new product launches. Until they have their distribution ducks in a row, I don't see tabletz spending 2-3 million on an order only to have to store it and wait on the big chains. While, this one retailer is ready to put 250k on the shelves and wants it sent. Tabletz like with biople is forced to cater to smaller retailers one at a time, so they are not held up by the big boys and corporate sluggishness. Assumptions, but what I picture that makes sense to me. Also means it's at someone else than NU's end, and again....clearing Glen out would not fix that issue.