re : it's aliveTime to get the company back to exploration again and keep everyone informed within the limits of what I can say as a director. The first phase of exploration will be on the original Catharine-Link claim block. Earlier in the year when preparing the first drill site, a large exposure of green carbonate was discovered ( April 15 & 22 news releases) Three random rock samples were assayed for gold from the immediate vicinity of the carbonate outcrop .The rocks assayed 1.86 g/t, .86g/t and .69g/t ( economic grade in the context of an open pit deposit). RTM is currently planning to ecavate and trench the surrounding area to determine the extent of the green carbonate . From the DDH #1 location ( discovery), trenching and surface excavation will proceed 300m to the southwest to the first new green carbonate outcrop , then north to northwestward for a distance of about 100m ( second new outcrop of green carbonate ) and finally northward for up to 1.0 km (edge of claim block) with a series of trenches to the third exposure of green carbonate. Everything will be systematically mapped and sampled with the goal of finding a large exposure of low grade (1.5+g/t) open pit mineable ore at surface. The green carbonate extends for at least 70+ m of depth where the initial high grade discovery lens ( Nov. 2020) was announced. Follow- up drilling to that discovery will be the next program in late fall or early winter after mapping is completed. I hope to update after each news release when warranted.