NEWS! DNT EIA FIELD WORK COMPLETED FOR DRILLING CANARICAOField Work for Environmental Studies for Drilling Completed at Caariaco Project 2021-09-23 08:00 ET - News Release
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Sept. 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Candente Copper Corp. (TSX: DNT, BVL: DNT) ("Candente Copper", "the Company") is pleased to announce that Yaku Consultores ("Yaku") has completed all field work required for an updated Environmental Impact Study “EIAsd”. The EIAsd is required in order to obtain drilling permits for the Caariaco Project located in Northern Peru.
Data will now be compiled such that the drilling permit application can be submitted in approximately 6 weeks.
"The completion of this fieldwork by Yaku is very timely as it will also form an important component of the environmental and social aspects of the Preliminary Economic Assessement (“PEA”) underway by Ausenco," says Joanne Freeze, President and CEO of Candente Copper.
Candente Copper has also been collaborating with local authorities for the maintenance and expansions of community roads and an irrigation canal, as well as increasing internet and mobile telephone coverage in the community. This work is part of the Company’s commitment to the practice of Shared Value, which joins efforts between the community, the company and the government to ensure mutual benefit.