Make a movieI have been around for a long time
ive been investing in specs and equities for over 45 years but I can honestly say this I company is worth making a movie about
It will be interesting to see how it ends
You have an almost cult following who continue to believe in Cielo and Don and others who think this was a a great idea but got promoted by RM and others to a market cap of a billion dollars
He goes on BNN and won't take calls ?
Financials are restated ,directors are resigning and there is little clarity from the company
How will this end ?
i don't know and am no longer a shareholder but continue to watch with intrigue
For those that bought shares b4 RM you still have a multi bagger but watch each day as your profit erodes
I would hope most sold half so what is left is a free ride
For those that didn't buy cheap ,I hope it all turns out
Good luck to everyone