Kakwa Recycle RatiosAs promised here goes. I modelled a Kakwa Nest 2 well making a million and fifteen Boes costing 12 million with 7.5 for D and C and 4.5 to construct its share of a new pad. This works out to an F and D of slightly less than 12 dollars per boe. I assumed the well made 430,000 bbls of Condy, 3 bcf of gas and the remainder NGLs. Due to the high prices I assumed opex and royalties of 18 dollars. I assumed a price of 70 dollars Condy over the life of the well as I don't believe these prices will last more than two or three years. I assumed a gas price of 4 dollars and an NGl price of thirty as well as once us drilling prices pick up NGls will tank. These assumptions give a recycle ratio of 3.13 which is outstanding. At 90 the recycle ratio 3.9. A 50 dollar Condy price drops it to 2.05 which is still respectable. My next chore will be to model a type Montney gas well making 7.2 bcf which is interesting enough 1.2 million boe.