That's Is Why I Don't go OverseasBecasue I am an American and I know everyone cannot stand Americans because we are this nation that continuously runs up its debt.
Now I would not go so far to say all Republicans are bad news. Ron Paul was a Republican and he was a good politician. I like his son Rand Paul, and give Donald Trump credit for being an outsider.
The Democrats have never ever wanted to utilize fiscal restraint.
Getting back to Republican versus Democrat. George W Bush was a Republican, but in my opinion he was a Democrat. Americans basically only have two choices for an election, and the ruling elites let the people decide which candidate they want to run the country. Is someone going to tell Barack Obama was a good president. Why because he pushed gay rights? What a thing for a nation to feel that it is making progress because of racism and gay rights? I do not think racism is as bad as it was years ago. I am getting tired of hearing about LGBTQ issues, when my nation is deep in debt. These government workers and politicians are taking us for a ride.