GREY:ATBPF - Post by User
Comment by
Rarbar99on Sep 27, 2021 11:45am
Post# 33924036
RE:RE:Let me know
RE:RE:Let me know Nice lie.
reality is that I said I own 25K shares and Pez didn't believe me because I was bearish (this was back when this stock was $1.45)
So instead of showing my shares, I showed him my $250K car instead, with my username posted on the dashboard.
I stopped being a bear and became a bull once this stock dropped to $1.15. Read my post history and you will see that all of my predictions have come true, but Pez doesn't want to admit it because old people hate seeing young people more successful than them.
Inthepez wrote: Lmao just for those who haven’t seen this !diot in action. Flexes daddy’s car because he got called out for his FUD.
Rarbar99 wrote: Let me know if the image isn't showing up, I'll post it on another website. Still says 0 views so I'm thinking it's been filtered