RE:Could Oil pipelines be re-purposed - Brilliant article Big oil is going to reap some big profits prior to any repurposing of oil pipelines, and likely more than once. The systems in place today can't readily convert to anything that doesn't have a relliance on petroleum. Some think they can, some hope they can but in reality they can't at this time or in the near future. And if you're one of the unrealistic dreamers you will continue to believe and continue to propogate that view. We do not and will not have the systems necessary in place to convert from a petroleum dependent world for a fairly ong time. You can tax the hell out of the petroleum system to styme it but when you don't have a reliable, capable, dependable and sustantiable system in place in the world to meet the necessary needs of each economic system to function then you don't have a required substitute available to meet those necessary needs. Pembina and the other pipeline companies will be pumping crude oil for many, many years before anyone even considers another possible purpose for their use. Have a wonder day, whether you're a dreamer or a rationalist.