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Serra Energy Metals Corp ESVND

Primary Symbol: C.SEEM

Serra Energy Metals Corp. is a Canada-based resource exploration company. The Company focuses on the acquisition, exploration, and development of green metal projects. It operates two gold projects, namely the Beaufort and Myrtleford projects located in Victoria, Australia. The Beaufort property is a granted exploration tenement located in the southwest of Victoria, approximately 145 kilometers (km) west of Melbourne. It is approximately 48 km west of the regional town and historic gold mining center of Ballarat. The Myrtleford Project is a granted exploration license located in northeastern Victoria, approximately 290 km northeast of the state capital of Melbourne and approximately 40 km south of Victoria. The license consists of a single contiguous parcel covering 418 square kilometers (km2). The Exploration License lies within a northwest-trending belt of alluvial and hard rock gold mines that collectively produce mostly from alluvial mining, but also from hard rock production.

CSE:SEEM - Post by User

Post by RawSiennaon Sep 27, 2021 6:54pm
Post# 33928328

ASSAYS... "However, the best looking sections of holes 6 &7

ASSAYS... "However, the best looking sections of holes 6 &7  However, the best looking sections of holes 6 &7 have been sent off for expedited assaying and the last time the company did this it took less than a month to receive results"
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