RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Future of KL stockhouse chat site.Patientguy2
you believe your fake news and experts, I believe my fake news and
It is dueling bango fake news and experts after that, who is right.
Except you fake news experts won't debate or allow debates with
my fake news experts.
So people are still in the dark in an honest way who is correct.
It's like the vatican communists or politburo (marxist) communists not
allowing the other side to debate or run for power.
The masses just hear a very lopsided, bullying, and overwhelming
dismissive side, and go along with it.
And tremendous habits of bias and cat calling, and accusations of
conspiracy theories and poor to bad science name calling takes
Doesen't sound like good science to my side.
Since in research studies have to have have all sides give their research
tests and control groups that give the other side or uses a placebo. We
don't see that from your side or can't trust it since they have already made
up their minds and biasing the whole test procedure and research.
It's like going to a sports event and one side doesn't let the other side in
to compete with them, because they say they've won already.
No match took place !!!!!
Hmmmmm !!!!!!!
Patientguy2 wrote: Fake news..