Malaco Take over at most 30 Days awayShareholder's Report to the Board Of Directors, Part 2
In yesterday's report, we covered why many shareholders have concerns related to the past performance of the Board of Directors.
Today, we would like to outline concrens related to this AGM.
We the shareholders are concerned that the actions of the present board are solely to preserve there positions on the board.
It's evident that if you would leave our stock price would probably increase. Just like when our past chairman retired.
In this years Inforamtion circular you indicate that you have secured the services Laurel Hill Advisory Group at a costs of $35,000.00 to get people to send in their votes.
From our perspective, this tactic is required to increase the vote count as a new major shareholder is trying to clean up this mess.
We the shareholders are going to vote to WITHHOLD our votes this year.
I'm certain you are all very nice people and this is not personal.
Like we mentioned yesterday, your goals have never been to increase share price, because that would drive a properly managed corporation.
All actions that we observe have been to financially reward and protect the positions of a select few, at our expense.
It's all about your renumerations, RSUs and corporate bylaws that hinder shareholder involvement and provides ample protection to maintain this special status.
Malaco, with Dato a goal driven achiever will help this corporation.
As a shareholder, I would appreciate if you would consider providing your resignation.
Honestly after a decade, we have experienced and seen enough.