RE:Patient Home 2.0? ; - ) I wish it were a conspiracy... but the reality is... it's unprecedented incompetence. Rarely seen... in fact... over 30 holdings in my portfolio and not a single one that I can point to that has this level of disconnect with IR.
SouthernTierTom wrote: Hmmmmmmm....
Is it possible the BIG data just released from Japan has been "widely desseminated"?
Positive 28 day mortality data is "pretty rare" ....
I sure hope the "Ummmm" count is loe tomorrow, it would not mesh well with a 52 weak low....
Feels almost like "$taging" ... you know, you trash your house and infest it with roaches and bedbugs to achieve the lowest possible amount of interest...
I'm glad an escort has arrived to "bring this morning trade home" ... you don't want these "performances" to go "un-noticed"
Bon appy,