mercedesman wrote: the natural post-restricted private finaning targets? Will we exceed (ie. take out) the See-two-bits (US) target low (.25USD = .315 CAD) for the short term (1-3 months)?
This remains to be seen. It may or may not. But whether we do or not is both irrelevent, and un-interesting to me.
Rather than the local FUD (Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt) workers....I'm more focused on the short to medium term.
On that front I like the following:
- early favourable Tigris results (per Mgt)
- Open Label Trial that could impact timing
- all sites close to up and running (if not now)
- a declining Delta wave, even in the US which should turn up enrollment
- Kellum jump starting and overseeing the post-Covid, Tigris restart
- good to great other Real World Evidence (RWE) on PMX added every day
- Interim Tigris enrollment still projected as Q4 2021, but even if Q1 2022 - it's around the corner.
For whatever reason, the power players behind Spectral have decided and virtually ensured, that ALL of the increase in shareholder value will be BACK-END loaded until the end-game. A small number of pawns with patience, will be reach the other side of the board and be queened. You are either on the bus when they decide to flick the switch, or under it (there is not enough left to simply just get off). If you are not an insider, they would prefer that you go elsewhere and take another mode of transportation to other locales. Hence the escorts specializing in golden showers. Speaking of switches (and flicking of same), the one in use appears to be a gas-light dimmer switch, which serves to drive long-term retail holders crazy. In the words of STT we just need a bit more patients (literally). While some puzzlers have put together some peices of the puzzle, the lighting is poor. and the complete picture uncertain. With my rose-coloured night-vision goggles, I can just make out a small section of the puzzle, where there appears to be two ponies frolicking in a sun-drenched meadow. Others only see a couple of dumb-ases.