RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Not long now.Ya damn1212. You play on this site with your dirty bull. i'm not saying you are bad so don't get sensitive. I actually like to watch what you are up to. There is an education in very thing. My assessment from your posts is that you are out to sway public opion to make a quick buck. I could be wrong. That's just what it looks like. Business is business. I would be hard pressed to find to many people in the market not slinging the bull to make a buck. I acutally like NXO and am interested in what they do. I really like watching the technology improve and get intergrated in new products. This is my favorite Corp.. I don't sling although I do see the money raked in by the expert slingers (daytraders). I do buy stock based on emotional upswings with a good profile and then sell down the road (a few days or months out) for the profit. So I pay attention to what people are slinging. Even bull tends to make the sheep buy or sell.