RE:RE:RE:Q3 Expectations hey genius. you know by now that everyone hates your guts right?
one would think that by now you would have learned to accept it a bit better LOL
for a genius. some ain't so bright eh?
is that why you keep changing colors?
something ain't right in the head with you guy
Moemoney42 wrote:
schoolinmoe42 wrote: UnderTheRadar wrote: Crescent Point Energy (NYSE:CPG) (TSE:CPG) had its price target upped by investment analysts at National Bank Financial from C$11.00 to C$12.50 in a research report issued on Wednesday, The Fly reports. The firm currently has an "outperform" rating on the oil and gas producer's stock.
I'm seeing earnings expectations of .20-25/EPS due on Oct 28.
good I added this morning.....but don't tell
Would those be the ones that traded at $6.14 and now you have 200 shares of a company and management you don't like.. LMAO.. you go girl..! I guess watching us all make money got to you eh.. LMAO