RE: Skeptics Beware...- response to FirefoxFirefox;
with respect, what do you base your material on? So lists house positions, but I do not believe that these are the "house accounts" of the dirty old days.
I believe that this just shows the various trades going through the brokers, not for their own accounts (unlike Brawdley's).
Therefore I contend that you could be wrong in your statements. I think its simply the likes of you and me that are buying this up. I rather look at the number of trades in the stock (through and the average number of shares per trade.
Its been hovering in the 2,000 to 3,000 per trade range - not exactly what the big folks would be playing with, but it sure would be the type of trade that your average joe blow would take.
Again all the above is my own biased view seen through rose coloured glasses - hey thats the best I can do.
Redfox - still looking for chickens!