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Bank of Nova Scotia T.BNS

Alternate Symbol(s):  BNS

The Bank of Nova Scotia (the Bank) is a Canadian chartered bank. The Bank's segments include Canadian Banking, International Banking, Global Wealth Management, Global Banking and Markets, and Other. The Canadian Banking segment provides a full suite of financial advice and banking solutions. The International Banking segment is a diverse franchise offering financial advice and solutions to retail, corporate and commercial clients. The Global Wealth Management segment is focused on delivering comprehensive wealth management advice and solutions to clients across the Bank's footprint. The Global Wealth Management segment serves investment fund and advisory clients across 13 countries. The Global Banking and Markets segment provides corporate clients with lending and transaction services, investment banking advice and access to capital markets. The Other segment includes Group Treasury, smaller operating segments and corporate items which are not allocated to a business line.

TSX:BNS - Post by User

Post by TimeBuilderon Oct 03, 2021 1:40pm
Post# 33958839

FYI: Record Date Details NR

FYI: Record Date Details NR

Scotiabank Announces Dividend on Outstanding Shares


TORONTOAug. 24, 2021 /CNW/ - Scotiabank today announced a dividend on the outstanding shares of the Bank, payable October 27, 2021 to shareholders of record at the close of business on October 5, 2021:

Scotiabank Logo (CNW Group/Scotiabank) (CNW Group/Scotiabank)

Common Shares

  • Dividend No. 609 of $0.90 per share;

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