MyHoneyPot wrote: Largest Shale Discovery in the World, old news your right 22 MMcf wells single well production with 18 BCF of reserves, the headlines need to be updated and now Paramount is the owner of those wells, that were drilled with 10 year old, drilled with old technology in $1.78 canadian price enviroment. How the world has changed.
Press Release - World Largest Shale Discovery DUCKs in a ROW So Paramount has 14 DUC's to complete in the Horn River, these wells 10Bcf, produced 16 MMcf a day, and after a month of production still produced 10 MMcf a day from a single well. Imagine bringing on 14 wells that average 10 MMcf a day, that will produce something like 25,000 boe a day and you dont even have to drill them, what would you do?
Fracing Less than Half We the cost situation is a lot different then it was in 2009, and to complete those wells with something more reasonable like 40 fracs would like cost less than half.
Production Likely to Double Lost in time that what happened in the Horn River, but just think 14 wells producing 20 MMcf, modern fracing technology applied, those wells would be closer to 40-50 thousand boe a day all for the cost of completing and tying in those 14 wells.
Paramount Horn River Opportunity So roughly 400,000 acres, and the gas market on fire, a little hedging, maybe a partner, or maybe not, but it looks like Horn River Cards are on the Table for Paramount.
Small Risk, Big reward lest just complete 4 of those wells to start with.
Horn River Big Reserves and Big Production Opportunities
Kitamat and the Horn River may be in Paramounts Future. IMHO