RE:thought for the night...I didn't have much of a thought on it the day you posted but I have to say it has been rather interesting to watch.
ACB with 198 Million Shares Outstanding... and 45 Million of those share sold short. Nearly 23% of all shares are sold short which is insanely high.
Now the problem appears that anyone who sells ACB shares short, there is someone else covering their prior short off that sale. You can see that with the stock moving within a very tight range throughout an entire day. I mean the Markets were getting wrecked today and ACB is down only 4 cents.
The Short position is so dam huge ithat the covers are keeping it propped. Gonna rename ACB to Teflon Don.
Giving ACB credit for right sizing their circus. Too bad it is still a junker, otherwise I would be down with that kind of short fuel in the tank,...
av8tor42 wrote: acb today?...cannabis, anything's possible