bleakest321You know for the longest time your presence on SH was a complete mystery to me. I had no idea you were here. Sure, I saw that you posted every now and then on forums I frequented. But a quick glance told me to skip over those. There was nothing there of value, that would make me think, take notice, or any ideas that I would wish to debate the merits of. In short you were INVISIBLE. And I think you realized this.
So you decided that POKING me might get me to notice you were even here. On that count you were correct. You see when someone is here adding value, putting ideas out there, and making people think, it's quite an affront to character when someone who does nothing of value, gives you a poke with a sharp stick.
Now that I've gone and reviewed some of your "handiwork" on SH, I was perfectly rational to skip your posts. And I will continue to do so. When you are not sniping, or ankle biting at posters who make a real contribution, you'll slip away to the changing room, pull up your skirt, grab your pom poms, and proceed to cheer for the home team. you have two tricks up your sleeve. you SNIPE and you cheer lead. That offers me ZERO.
I notice you don't put me on ignore. Ankle biters rarely do. Because if you did you would miss out on real ideas and insights. I won't put you on ignore either. You might say I've done it automatically already.
You got my attention bleaker. But not by your insights or ideas. I have yet to see ANY from you. But by poking me. I have a piece of advice. Poking contributors here is only going to get you so far. If you crave their attention, why not actually create a real insight or semi intelligent sentence or two every now and then? Just try it sometime. Thre is a first time for everything.