RE:Gas recycle ratios your estimate of tou well costs was way too high. like 50% too high.
also you don't understand their balnace sheet. we are in q4 now not q2. and you fail to account for events that happened post q2. you also fail to account for topaz. we had this discussion yesterday, and you completely ignore it.
I don't trust the "funny" numbers of Oil and Gas execs. TOU has the best capital efficieny in NA and you don't acknowledge that. you also are not up to speed on their well costs and seem to not follow them very closely at all
granted you do seem to know some of the inner workings of 7g and the absolute MESS of a company that arx took on.
but you don't support any of the numbers that you listed or reveal your methodology.
I understand gaap accounting. I don't see that as your strength. And I see that tou plans to generate $2.5b of CASH to distribute to sharheolders next year. that's transparent and based on tou 2022 forecast at strip.
I don't see arx even having a plan for 2022 let alone a five year plan with total transparency.
while I deal in tou realities arx invites you to "paint by the numbers" and say whatever you want about the future.
resuts speak for themselves. they have been dismal for arx sharheolders and spectular for tou.
your funny numbers that o & g execs use to FOOL investors notwithstanding.