Fresh off the press -here’s Konrad’s interview from a few hours ago. - one the reasons I get so excited about $ESE is his energy, unshakeable confidence and excitement towards the company as well as consistent delivery of real news and real revenues
worth checking out - sure to get u stoked on this stock
-vid gives good insight into how the company is positioned for success, and how the market has not reacted despite “massive” opportunities in the hands of $ESE shareholders
- He’s made it abundantly clear from day 1 that ESE would be an acquirer , they’ve certainly lived up to that
- now closed their 4th acquisition
- discusses their most recent deal with Frenzy (European Esports Media Company)
- puts them in a global tier 1 for production for esports and gaming
$ESE.V cheap @ $1.19 , market cap $70.63 M