Malaco Take over at most 21 Days AwayDear Fellow Shareholders
As you are aware, we all have concerns at the corporate office.
You will be pleased to know that they read this blog and NOZZ’s on a daily basis.
At first, I suspect they kind of laughed us off, lately the message is sinking in.
I truly apologize to them for any discomfort.
Like yourself, I`m not pleased having bought shares in around 2008, for in around .50 a share.
I feel the same pain as most of you. We are on the same ship. We own the ship but are treated like contaminated cargo.
Made this investment seeing a good future for the company.
Then in around 2013 reality set in, the share price was going down and then Megamess came into play.
We all should have bailed out at that time, but like yourself I held on.
Thereafter, a detailed review of our directors indicated there was going to be more serious issues as the mess at Veris surfaced and the Goldmet shares were the control of this group.
The shares tanked to $.04 a share and Monument Mining became a total write off, the ship was sinking, and the large payouts continued.
Now with Malaco taking a controlling stake, I`m hopeful he will turn this corporation around by either purchasing it, or a merger or at the very least, let these fine directors go find a new home. (please forward the new corporate name and trading symbol)
As we ramp up our efforts, in the next couple of weeks, we need to pursue proper complaints letters, more on this item in the coming weeks. NOZZ will certainly help us out with this one.
For the voting; my preference is as follows.
1. Number of Directors To set the number of Directors at six (6). Against
2. Election of Directors
01. Graham Dickson Withhold
02. Cathy Zhai Withhold
03. Zaidi Harun Withhold
04. Michael John Kitney Withhold
05. Dato' Sia Hok Kiang FOR
06. Jean-Edgar de Trentinian Withhold
3. Appointment of Auditors Appointment of Grant Thornton LLP as Auditors of the Corporation for the ensuing year and authorizing the Directors to fix their remuneration. For
I continue to purchase shares and encourage all of you, to throw just a little more to protect our investment.
You like me have invested a substantial amount, spending another 10% of your initial investment will go a long way in increasing the share price and this will provide us with some protection to secure a fair deal.
It’s also become part of our life, might as well make it worth it.
Note; on Canadian insider trading, someboby starting shorting a couple of hundred thousand shares, they need to come back in and buy real soon.
In the present capital markets, this is one of the best investments to be made at this time.