RE:TA...........while anything is possible good luck getting it at a dime. .20 seems to be bottom it may temporarily be .18 but the push back seems to be .20. Now you have to ask yourself is the company progressing forward or not? if forward why should it fall any lower than .20 actually even on a temporary basis. If the company is not moving forward sure I would agree with below .18 but not otherwise.
There are many indicators to see forward movement such as the charging wall display for people to go and see it.
I think people are dreaming less than .18 I will eat Jose's hat if it goes to .15 or less--not actually just having fun here. My strike point is .18 or less if my other shares jump drastically and I get a huge differential due to having to wait for the jump here which will most likely show significantly in the coming year although there is good amounts left this one.
Let's see where things are when products start to be moving out for delivery--from my recollection the company is looking to start that November so this year is still getting things moving for all that striking more deals and things.
This company is shaping up really well. All I can say is when i first came here the shares were having a tough time breaking a dime no reason they go back there. They were at around .05 this has affectively legged in .20 which is a steal actually and as i will continue to say should really be $1.25 right now but apparently the market will have to catch up with it. Let all the monies flow through.
Selling now is pissing shares away unless you are successfully selling and rebuying that is different that is smart and the type of game I have said I will play at some time on the mrs boards. But i will always hold half to three quarters a position and use 25 to no more than 50 percent to increase my share counts or if sold out and runs keep monies and look for other equities.
Great one to hold and gather or sell strategically buy back.
As far as the charting good luck--.18 will be the temporary low i have been seeing push back at .20/20.5 and the company is moving forward the shares should be too.
But whatever it goes down I get monies organically yeah i will buy more shares they are just too darn cheap for what the potential is moving into the coming year and beyond--way way way too cheap!!!