RE:loose math. This is past ridiculous; it's downright depressing.
I'm a big supporter of our CEO but he needs to start delivering, soon!
The " law" statement regarding approval of the Perspectum Drone acquisition came & went without a peep.
The estimated 7-10 days till we hear about the $40 million MDA co-bid has unfortunately passed, also with no comment from management.
The 2 weeks estimate until the Medi-Call launch is just about up as well.
The management team needs to start delivering the goods, now. Without results, why would an institutional investor buy in at any price. The volume needed to push up to $1.00 will only come with big results.
If NEWS is not forthcoming this week, we deserve answers from Mr. Gunter in the Discord call on Monday
korupsion wrote: I am assuming based on watching the stock for sometime that the majority of the 48500 shares for sale at .18 were bought at .175 or .005 less per share.
48500X.005 =$ 242.50... and that massive amount would likley be divided by numerous sellers. For once Mason is right. We need volumne and lots of it. Even the players wont be making that much off of 221,000 shares traded today. 221,000 x.005 = $1,105. This is getting ridiculous.