RE:All LongsHi Greek,
you want fun?
I'll tell you what I call funny.
Most youngsters here are not really aware why we are in this very nice position right now.
Others who were aware, conveniently have forgotten.
The future is just too bright, why worry about the past.
Whether or not justified, JPM started this crapp and now, very likely will profit much as well.
They were the ones that dropped the bombshell that Li prices would drop due to oversupply.
It became a self fulfilling prophesy.
Hence, no more need for investing in the space, the world is full of Lithium and there will never be any shortage. LOL.
Do I feel sorry for the OEM's, do I feel sorry for (slightly) more expensive EV's for endusers, for governments' plight in getting "green"? Not a bit, their lack of DD is their own fault.
NLC, as well as other projects, could very well have been in production at this very moment.
Currently, I've heard, there are some problems with natgas supply.
Read the above about Lithium again and try to figure out if there could be some similarity.
If one concludes that lack of investment, here too, is the cause, statistical analysis will show the culprit to be JPM again. For sure!
Sure? (because the JPM ref. was a joke).
Shortage of chips? why?
Is that a supply/demand matter, or lack of investment as well, both?
Well, the price of natgas/LNG may remain higher in Asia and Europe.
Looking forward, the north american peninsula may be in for cold winterhomes.
Will their governments intervene? For the good of the nation(s)?
If "yes", how?
Interesting questions, I think, for the next 6 months.
Have fun.