RE:Institutions and SPClearly, there are some well informed and well meaning posts on this board.
Clearly, there are a number of posts with a great deal of incorrect information. Some of it is so bad that I am now unclear whether the lack of knowledge is actually deliberate misinformation.
Example this am, from Socrates1:
"That is pretty clear and blatantly open that they are keeping a lid on things! Again please don't under estimate the players! The greater the potential for QTRH the longer we'll linger under 3 dollars!
On positive hearing there could be millions of shares pop up from your friendly MM and still stay under 3 bucks so they can keep funds out of the gravy? Honestly hope I am wrong!"
...that post came just when i thought it could not get any worse than the post yesterday from timclarkes:
"I feel our market maker has kept this stock price controlled for years. Control any price fluctuations, reduce the interest in the stock. If I it remains flat for years, they get to trade back and forth 100s at a time to book fees for “making the market” ! Morgan Stanley and CIBC! Crooks."