RE:DOD supplyBS, if Trump had stayed in office Lynas would have built in India, obviously I'm not part of Lynas Mgt but don't be surprised if US loses Lynas to India shortly, they are very determined to challenge China's global manufacturing abilities and you may find they are a lot quicker to actually do something, put their money where their mouth is.
DOD, GOP, et al, can play their stupid cutsie games as long as they like, reality is China has eaten your lunch already, and half way thru dinner, enough BS is enough, Lynas now looking ~2yrs delay, not sure how much more they will tolerate.
Lose Lynas REO you can add +5yrs to building out sustainable NdFeB supply chain, doubt you'll get a Jap mag maker without their proven capacity, and then there's the HRE.
Way past time for your DH's in control to get serious, GM/GE clearly giving them a wake up & get real call.