Clarification on EBH2 Technology Last month, several commenters raised the "thermodynamic problem" as it relates to EBH2's technology. They mentioned that it would be impossible for the amount of electricity produced from EBH2's generator to be greater than what went into the electrolysis process itself.
To get around this, it was mentioned that the water going into the machine didn't necessarily have to be the same water going out, which solves this problem. Am I understanding this correctly?
However, are we sure that's what we're talking about here? Is water actually the fuel source for the elctrolysis process itself, or is there technology just based on a very effecient electroysis process that relies on power from renewable energy as its power source?
I thought all "green hydrogen" meant is hydrogen produced from renewable sources. So, maybe EBH2 just has a better electrolysis technology that can produce more hydorgen from less electrcity, thereby allowing them to reach that 1$/kg "moon shot" target for green hydrogen production.
I hope someone can help clarify this for me.