new high in Abcourt.Hi now that 99.xx% of posters are negative on Abcourt and there is only one person standing to defend Abcourt and it is me and i will not change my opinion there is only one way to go and it is up.
My previous post where not under the influence of alcool but this one is.
The salary and or compensation of Mr Hinse was and still is lower than any other co.
The assets are there and being upgraded to a much higher level.
The co is profitable at the present gold price.
There is a possibility of an investment firm,fund or a larger miner to help advance or buyout of some of Abcout properties.
Barvue could easily have a few interested parties.
The value of Abcourt is a small % of what it is worth. (SG alone is worth more that $20m) now and is being upgraded and drilled and should add +20m more.
Elder has a value of +-$20m
Barvue has a value of +- $30m and many other concession have a small value.
Discovery,Flordin, Vendome ,Aldernac also have value.
Keep posting and when the value isn't going down anymore start adding because the value will increase by 200-300% in a small time frame.