RE:RE:RE:CEO,CFO salaryfbedard:
Enjoy your beer! Try and relax! I was merely reposting John's (geickomeister) message for your perusal once again.
I am sure that you still have confidence in your investment, as do I.
I can't speak for anyone else on this forum and neither can you.
But I have accumulated over 500,000 shares and for me this is no small potatoes. Due to my personal financial circumstances, I may not be in a position to buy anymore.
But I would like to buy more!
I remain convinced that Abcourt still has very much more to offer its present day shareholders.
There are many readers of posts but not always many shareholders who may choose to post!
The negative posters may have some axe to grind or simply have lost patience with their investment.
Growth for a small company like Abcourt sometimes seems to take ages to come. But come it will.
One day, this little company will have its day in the Sun. But perhaps, it is asking too much for a turtle to turn into a rabbit!
Magic still belongs in fantasy land and the world of entertainment.
Investing one's hard earned dollars, when one has so very little, sometimes means taking considerable risk. Abcourt still remains one of those risky investments.
When this changes, only the very wealthy will be able to afford to buy as many shares as we still can today.
I have grey hair too. But I also expect to do well with this investment. And I hope that many others may feel the very same way!
I wasn't aware that you were once invited to sit on the Abcourt board of directors.
Certainly, if you feel that you have something very positive to offer the company, perhaps you should re-open that dialogue with the company. But only if you are now, many years younger than the CEO, whom you seem convinced, should very soon, be replaced.
Abcourt Mines needs new revigoration with an open and more transparent management team.
Perhaps now, only the more youthful figures may be able to open that door? Old ways sometimes die hard, especially, when the old, may take a little too long, to die!
Keep your positive attitude, no matter what you may decide to do!
Keep smiling!
All the best! Java