1)  Announcement of Clincs participating in the DIMI Trial?  Hope it's one of Da big ones.

2) Announcement ot the first patient in the DIMI Home Use Trial ?  Let's start the countdown from 35 shall we?

3) A SAMI Distribtuion Agreement ?  Lot's of potential canDAdates.

4) Other ?

EAA Related

1) I'm no Doctor, but rumour has it that Endotoxemia almost always leads to Septic Shock.  Endotoxemia has a high mortality rate.  The EAA is the only FDA approved diagnostic that measures for endotemia.  Will there finally be a recognition that a much higher percentage of ICU patients should be screened for Endotoxemia using the EAA - in much the same way someone with a fever or other sepsis/flu/Covid like symptoms, might be screened (but currently only for Covid and perhaps the flu)?

2) Other?

The ponies must be anxious to get out of their stables and over to the gate and on to the track, in order to strut their stuff.