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Skeena Resources Ltd T.SKE

Alternate Symbol(s):  SKE

Skeena Resources Limited is a precious metals developer that is focused on advancing the Eskay Creek Gold-Silver Project, a past producing mine located in the Golden Triangle in British Columbia, Canada. Eskay Creek represents one of the highest-grade and lowest cost open-pit precious metals mines in the world, with substantial silver by-product production. It also owns the past-producing Snip gold mine (Snip). In addition to Eskay Creek and Snip, the Company also owns several exploration stage mineral properties in the Golden Triangle and Liard Mining Division of British Columbia. Its 100%-owned Eskay Creek Project is a high-grade volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposit. The Snip mine consists of one mining lease and eight mineral claims totaling approximately 4,546 hectares (ha) in the Liard Mining Division. It has staked a 74,633-ha Hoodoo Project, located approximately 65 kilometers northwest of Eskay Creek. It also has interests in KSP property.

TSX:SKE - Post by User

Comment by goldhunter11on Oct 13, 2021 8:31am
Post# 34000126

RE:C-TV Interview on next steps of exploration and development

RE:C-TV Interview on next steps of exploration and development
goldguy wrote:

Kelly said (at 11:07 mark): NYSE listing (the full exchange) not just the NYSE-Amex Equities (and not NASDAG) would be expected in "late October"...2 weeks to go for Walter to ring the bell.
Also, they have drill a lot more holes at Albino Lake.

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