RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Running 50% more than avg daily volume
i sold out of that too. Skylight health called that one as well. I didn't like the uplisting and I called that right as well. I said all that glitters is not gold. The company has a real good plan though. I like the long term prospective there but people were screwing the share value. And yes the 5 to 1 was stupid only to see it go up and get nailed badly. I can't stand the damn Nasdaq. I will tell you this much ir really wants this off the Venture and Nasdaq not unless it really has super amazing things and not with a damn consolidation. I have seen too many stocks get brutalized.. Any sphere 3d ran quite high $19 ish a share got crushed and remained a few dollars last I saw about $2.50 to $3.00 where people are still calling it smoke and mirrors. With Skylight the trick is in the subscriptions which the company needs to keep building up at $200 a year and other more expensive packages it can be really lucrative. Let's say 1 million people at 200 there is 200 million in revenue. People wanted things too fast and the whole thing collapsed. Nothing beats tech that can be adapted fairly fast and can cut into so many verticals that is what makes this super positively dangerous. AI is huge as is EV and fintech these are 3 huge markets and the ones I am working in. Gaming and gambling. I should have bought the score and galaxy digital I recommended galaxy digital as well as gratomics to people and they blew up. I don't touch mining unless it greens things I have axe it is an all or nothing and it looks like it will pivot to get into electrification and hydrogen with its tech. But right now trying to successfully deal with oil and gas. That is a 100/share stock when it proves itself. The ramifications are huge but also like I said all or nothing. I kept my mouth shut on the axe board about the 100/share someone else came out looked at the numbers and I said yup!!! In any case I made 8 times in the end with Skylight because I was trying to fulfill promises again otherwise I was 14 times up and did not cash out. That 5 to 1 was brutal short term but I like it overall actually. That said, i am a strong believer in what I said in a post yesterday know how to effectively trade your shares and take faster profits on some hold the rest...or aim to double every year you can do massive positive damage in doubling. I will do as I said. One chunk I do as I am now another chunk double out maybe a third swing trade on less than doubles or wait for a quad. I don't know on that chunk but I look short medium and long but right now because all my shares overcorrected I am looking at a few dollars as I did before for all stocks but axe nxo mrs. That said I will keep my strategy rolling to build past 20k where I will break in the 2 groups and then possibly the 3rd group. Let's see where this goes. Yes a news release with revenue sends this soaring with any of the big 3 $2.50 plus and i have already seen it. Great to see this move again. I will hold it as much as I can. It is mrs turn to roar and it will as I have seen of that. Still don't bend my $5 plus here and there :-)