by that time $2 plus so it is people's choice. You want confirmation then buy then higher but why not just smile celebrate and hold strategically trade but revenue is not far off. I am following what Kevin Barnes from Poet said to me. He said when you have a plan follow it. There are times when you want to take profit and you don't and it is lots of profit there are times that you are heavily down and you may want to sell but you don't. He said be clear in what you want and go after it. He was may still be management at Poet. I will hold for my ideal $5 as much as I can which all depends on financing my comic expenditure. I have planned the worst case which I didn't want to but I have. A lot of what I will do hinges on mrs. If I have seen incorrectly I will use 100 to 500 share lots to make any shortfall to my minimum cc payments. I had a 7700 debt before that I could handle the minimums and keep waiting for my portfolio to increase with minimal around the $150 to $170 range.