And all the cockroaches come out of the
woodwork...too funny! So now Abente is tarred and feather. Question who holds more power Abente or Goodson? What happened in the past is by no means any predictor of the present. Abente designs things conceptually Rich executes their part and whoever constructs the frames shell do their part. How the f'ck will Abente fraud and scam this? Folks it is what Goodson said there are shortages all across the board...yeah the pandemic does that and until there is full production people just have to deal with this reality. I hear even tires are in short supply what to speak of more complicated electrical components and devices. This stock is so badly undervalued even with the dilution it isn't even funny. Now if this is a fraud look at all the projects that have been signed inevitably this thing will burst with massive revenue...this really isn't worth less than $1.25 plus so great time to grab. Now I will not say trade strategically do but don't get short squeezed or priced out if you think these steep discounted prices are lasting indefinitely. As my other stocks strengthen this remains a huge and viable buying option at this price point but should this go up I am good with what I have. It is hilarious what people say because in the end as did the "fake phone number" not being able to get in touch with the company proved they were all false claims made by these same type of people...hilarious. this is a beast that is roaring past 1 buck at some point way undervalued right now. As more and more product comes out uh oh people will be shiating bricks just a huge spoiler as Heyman says not a prediction a spoiler. The reigning defending undisputed heavy weight champion the Beast lol...can't wait for you guys to see it's claws and fangs ripping through all the fake walls and charging ahead like a holy hell thing so enjoy it while it lasts and don't get burnt.