RE:RE:RE:RE:For all the bashers It's difficult to win an argument with a smart person and impossible to win vs a complete idiot. You're the idiot incase you didn't catch that.
Lac is a bloated pig and way overvalued. I'm just a paid basher right.
So when I was "bashing" Sona which went from .10 to $15 and right back down to .26 because it was a through and through pump and dump was that "bashing" for pointing out obvious red flags.
You're a winner kid. Take my nuts out of your mouth.
I owned Cpg when it was a $1 screen shots were posted as proof for clowns like you. And again IMO it's over valued currently. Just because someone thinks a stock is overvalued doesn't mean it's "bashing" dummy
Lac is no different! Way overpriced. These are my opinions and you may disagree but to label someone a basher simply shows you have nothing to say.
Trueblood wrote: Oh my Kaiser you were the same one bashing LAC as it went Tom $11 to $33. What a loser. What is your motive as a loser. A Jacka$$. Tell us Kaiser what is your motivation to bash Therma, LAC and CPG. You Fuc$$ing loser