Phase 2 Drilling StatusI thought we might get an update on the progress of resuming drilling via Phase 2.
As of the 20th of Sept, a drill program consisting of over 5,500 metres of combined RC and diamond drilling (DD) targeting beneath open pits along the high-grade North of Alliance (NOA) structure was at an advanced planning stage and selection of a drill contractor is in progress.
I very much look forward to this part of Phase 2, as previous drilling programs have identified basement lodes under nearly all of these half dozen or so pits.
In particular, high grade lode has been identified beneath NOA 7/8 pits, and dipping northwards at an extended strike that remains open.
If underground mining is to happen, it will be here .
Geological interpretation of the completed phase 1 drilling is continuing and follow-up mapping and sampling of some of the drill lines will be planned.
Interpretations will be reviewed and refined once assays are received to improve understanding of the geological controls of the mineralized zones and guide phase 2 drilling program on Burnakura, which will be announced accordingly.
So, we will have to wait for those assays first.
A full review of all historical maps and reports was to be completed for the Gabanintha project.
An initial review indicated there is a substantial amount of information that needs to be collated before regional exploration programs can be designed.
Additional pit mapping and a structural interpretation of the main Gabanintha pit area will also be completed to assist in drill hole targeting underneath the existing pits.
I remain perplexed as to why our drilling time and assays are taking twice as long as those of ODY drilling the same lithology in the same area and using the same assay labs.
Clearly, having office HQ in Vancouver and our mines half way around the world is obviously very inefficient compared to being HQ in Perth or Kualu Lumpor.
Why our HQ is in Vancouver rather than Malaysia or Perth is obviously not working out very well in my opinion.
This is particularly so with international travel very restricted .
That needs to change .