GREY:NEVDQ - Post by User
Comment by
patchhon Oct 14, 2021 9:04pm
Post# 34007630
Vanguard... ??
U will get eaten by one of the funds drug snigging doggs - hiding out as a rabid wolf; little chompin bunny/funny !
if U are trading in a muni based funds.. count on Ur transactions getting tossed in all of the circular files.. FIdelity is not much better... Schwabb will give U a nose Bleed.. Quest will hav u looking for Jonnie out bak giving head !
during high volumes - and that the markets direction for almost a month - muni funnies will simply not execute... go check in the morning.. they pretend the order was never placed - always print the order..
i hav funds - they are good when its up and bad looking for bonds/funds..\
anything w mtg baked securities/agency - run
China - run
S&P loaded - run
Amazon/Alphabet - run
tizz true the named usually do oK - but if the market continues to push down - the sectors will explode.. m mainly due to funds doing their 5 daay exiting.. sooo the selling could B quite severe..
they don't tell U this thinning action(s) on Cramer or BNN.. if U hav mun funnies " !
70% to bonds @ 0.9% to 6.5.. i.e. for every 10K move 7K to security w/n the funds.. the euro bonds are safe... chicom - not good ! blak rok and goldman are up 2 their knees w the annual housing Bbubbles-Up-Somewhere !
total control of you stoks is a traders station w paid real time access to TSX..
Interactive Brokers has live support and about a cool 100Billion assets..
robbinGood - ameritratiors - nose bleed swab - BJ Quest = next w the lowest sale price of the day...
locking trade actions w a broker is 50/50 at best - they are usully headed for their next shot @ the bar or hav re-turd-ed after tha last three on top ofthe caffine...