It Just Doesn’t Matter Unfortunately, for all the long AMY shareholders, it just doesn't matter how great they think AMY is.
The facts are the only things we can go by.
AMY - proved in bench scale testing that their process works almost a decade ago, then advanced to other tests, then pilot plant, Then with different battery chemistries. Everything works and jump ahead 10 years and everything is still pretty much the same as it was when the process was first proved. Zero joint venture partners during that period, zero major customers.
The question needs to be asked, what key element is missing to gain support. Do you really think a commercial plant will now change the world opinion of AMY. Highly unlikely.
AMY is going alone because no one wants them for reasons most of us longs will never know. Be it too expensive or the fact that potential partners are dealing with an out of touch CEO, who is better suited for the mundane mining business than the high tech world of EV battery recycling.
Larry is truly captain of the Titanic. Blame the predators...or maybe just blame the facts.
What has AMY done? Absolutely nothing. They can recycle lithium ion batteries with nearly 100% recoveries and purity. Yup, same old song. Why no takers after almost 10 years. Billions are being poured into the industry and the self touted leader has no piece of the pie.
Larry needs to look inward and say that for the good of AMY that he needs to go. From 2.80 to .70 in less than a year.
Unacceptable. See you at 40 cents.