RE:RE:Stan Bharti track record of SUCCESSI will address your two concerns:
(a) There is absolutely no benefit to Stan Bharti nor to Camebridge to take MEDV private. They will only get top dollars for their shares if MEDV remains a trading public company and, it excels in its revenues. Stan Bharti want to make hundreds of millions of dollars as a return. They are not interested in simply recovering their debt and, that cannot be done on the private level. The track record of Stan Bharti and, a successful one at that, is to finance companies for 3 to 5 years, to bring them to success and, then to sell them off at a HUGE PRICE. This strategy has not changed.
(b) Issue of short selling and manipulation of the stock. It is true that the stock has been heavily manipulated since January 2021 and it is probably those with a malicious intent like Mr. Blowme and, knowsnothing. They have succeeded up to this point because MEDV was atrocious under Doug Sommerville in making a go of MEDV. It was like they were actually helping the shorts with false promies, lies, hypes and an inability to do simple things like keeping shareholders informed. BUT....that has changed under David Preiner and as he delivers on the results, as he refrains from hyping the stock or making false promises, as he continues to deliver on his buiness model and begins to show profits, then the shorts are finished as longs become convinced and take a position in the stock. This will be followed by bigger crowds and then institutions. It all comes down to delivering RESULTS. Up until June 2021, MEDV failed but since July 1, 2021 MEDV is hitting all the right notes. This is why I say that NOW is the time to load up, moral is low, confidence is non existent, shareholders are depressed, hostility is high, fears are high BUT.......MEDV revenue is soaring so this will turn everything around by November 2021 once results are in. Shareholders have a show me the PROFIT mentality and I do not blame them. I see the light and often times I am too early but better early than late.
Have courage and load up, if you can. It is a GIFT.