Virtual AGMYes, lets pressure them for a virtual meeting so we can see their faces when they have to give an honest answer(if they are capable of doing so). Or maybe just Howheeeee would be there alone and the others are afraid to show their faces.
Tickle, we know you are just pulling our pissers most of the time but sometimes you overdo it.
Congrats on your successful business life and retirement. Me also.
The biggest fault with management aside from being inept, is their flat out unwillingness to communicate with shareholders and they must be slow learners as nothing seems to get done and they believe they have the luxury of keeping the shareholders in the dark. Once they have our money, we are screwed cause then they cook up ways to squander it with not much more than promises and more dangling carrots.
Many of us are probably waiting for a logical exit point so we hope they can at least do that for us.
BeAlert and have a good weekend.