The Investment ReporterUnable to post the entire article so here's the link. The only group of specific stocks that are mentioned are those that will benefit from Biden's upcoming Infrastructure Renewal Bill (however big it may be). BDT was one of the stocks. GLTA
Here’s our 180-day forecast
Each quarter, we make a 180-day forecast of what we expect the economy and the stock market to do over the next six months.
Here’s our forecast of what we expect of the economy and stock market over the next six months. Just remember to put little faith into short-term stock market predictions, including ours. Billionaire Warren Buffett has joked that stock-market forecasters exist to make fortune tellers look good.
Stock markets in Canada and the US have set many record highs. Very low interest rates make stocks better than bonds. The 1.18 per cent yield on 10-year Government of Canada bonds falls far short of the inflation rate of 3.7 per cent. Many high-quality blue chip stocks pay dividends that yield more. Add share price gains over the past 18 months and stock-market returns beat inflation.
Interest rates remain very low. In addition, many Canadians accumulated a lot of cash during the pandemic. This was partly thanks to government financial supports. There were fewer opportunities to spend cash. And people working at home reduced their transportation costs and the need to buy lunch and lattes.
We now see more risks