FYI - Your Morning Coffee Read - O YAYA !!!!!! The City of Thompson, Manitoba with 13,446 residents pay their mayor, deputy mayor and council members at total of $80,474.45 annually for taxable salaries and per diems (the mayor's annual indemnity is $29,745.45 per annum, council members are paid $9,915.15 per annum and the deputy mayor gets $11,068.40 per annum).
Brokenhead Ojibway Nation with a registered population of 1,918 paying their FN chief and band council members a total of $415,357 in TAX-FREE salaries AND per diems plus $1,557,766 in tobacco and fuel tax rebates.
Long Plains First Nation with a registered population of 813 paying their FN chief and band council members a total of $539,918 in tax-free salaries and per diems.
Little Grand Rapids First Nation with a registered population of 1,590 paying their FN chief and band council members a total of $706,182 in tax-free salaries and per diems.
Buffalo Point First Nation with a registered population of 126 paying their FN chief and band council members a total of $300,000 in tax-free salaries and per diems.
Shoal Lake No. 40 First Nation in Ontario with a registered on-reserve population of 293 people paid their FN chief and band council $267,799 in tax-free salaries never mind $58,930 in tax-free expenses.
Mathias Colomb First Nation with a registered population of 3,192 paying their FN chief and band council members a total of $601,726 in tax-free salaries and per diems.
Samson Cree First Nation with a registered population of 8,059 paying their FN chief and band council members a total of $2,149,998 in tax-free salaries and per diems ($266.78 per capita).
Fort McKay First Nation with a registered population of 827 (It€TMs not a typo, it€TMs 827) paying their FN chief and band council members a total of $2,067,098 in tax-free salaries and per diems, never mind $151,428 in travel expenses ($2,499.51 per capita). Chief Jim Boucher was paid an annual tax-free salary of $644,441 tax-free ($53,703 per month), AND tax-free expenses of $35,359 ($2,947 per month), AND tax-free other remuneration $25,000 ($2,083 per month ) AND tax-free travel expenses of $60,157 ($5,013 per month) !!!!! Per month!!!
Enoch Cree First Nation with a registered population of 2,469 paying their FN chief and band council members a total of $1,159,707 in tax-free salaries and per diems never mind $84,030 in travel expenses ($503.74 per capita). Also, Enoch Cree First Nation are also paying their Board of Directors $1,511,457 in tax-free salaries and tax-free expenses.
Of the 637,660 registered natives in Canada 49.3 % live on Reserves. That's 314,366. From 1946 to 2011 the 66 native Reserves have received 3.3 Trillion dollars with no accountability.
Stephen Harper introduced the accountability act in 2012 which Justin Trudeau scrapped.