RE:Encouraging?yes. read it this morning and read the disclaimer also, he is long BB. I have a feeling that CTOs and many CISOs and IT professionals from West Coast are lined up and long BB. They know what BB has and that it's unmatched. The iot is a extreme wild card as we move towards a connected world. I have yet to find any other company that can provide the security and OS that will be needed to enable a fully connected world (car + infrastructure + everything). You just can't connect things without security. Notice that Cylance BB is also the only thing that can be embedded on iot things as it's light and doesn't require internet. You can't put legacy or any other anti-virus because they require too much compute power and space and internet.
BB Cylance will go on every piece of iot device!!!! period!!!!! John Chen mentioned it in his unified strategy where iot and security comes together.