RE:What a duck!
Unlucky13 wrote: This will never break $4. What a dud! Something is wrong here. If it can't go up with $83 oil it never will. We can all agree the stock is very disappointing right now.
That was Monday.
Then on Tuesday you say: " This dog can't even scratch $4 at this oil price. What a mutt! Forgot share buybacks which will help the price, they have to pay off debt for 4 years first"
Then today: "It's gone up too fast and too soon and just can't shake that we see $3 before $5. Something is off with the rise".
So let me get this straight...the stock doesn't a complete dud, a dog a duck. Then it moves..but its too fast.
Anyways, to any newer members on the board I just want to ( in case it hasn't been 100% completely illustrated) show that you should absolutely be ignored. Which is what I promise to do going forward. I will no longer entertain your rambling and not respond to anything you write which is what many before me have suggested. I just find your inconsistencies irritating and feel the need shut you down before I shut you out.
If what another poster said about you is true...and your just down on your luck and don't hold the asset...please stop poking your head out for others the smash it in. Get help, talk to someone, please do take care.
Anyways, enough of that cheers everyone. Looking for to q3 results!